Friday, September 7, 2012

Wk1/Day 5- I am not a Garbage Disposal

Funny enough- the thing I struggle with the most in regard to mindlessly eating things that aren't part of my diet, is the tendency I have to finish off what's left on my children's plates.  Yesterday, I had to keep telling myself "I am not a Garbage Disposal". 
I believe that happens to me a lot in other situations.  I think "Dang it, I paid for those fries!  I am not going to throw them away just because I am full."  But it's not like I get a refund or prize for finishing them.  My body is NOT a Garbage Disposal!

My diet allows for 3 indulgences a week and last night I took it up on the offer.  Guess what I ate?  The choices in this house are limited right now, so the winner was salt water taffy.  My oldest was at a birthday party and his younger brother was very sad he didn't get to go.  So I told him we would have our own little party. 

We took some treats downstairs and put on a movie.  I hadn't intended to eat anything, but he kept handing me some as he sweetly divided out the spoils.  So I decided it was a party and time for one of my free indulgences.  I jumped on the internet to calculate how many pieces I could have for 150 calories (the free indulgence limit) and determined I could have 4 pieces of taffy. 

I picked out my favorites and knew typically 4 pieces would be gone before I could take a breath (and after the breath I would be reaching for more).  I knew I wanted to enjoy every bit, so I sat down and closed my eyes.  I ate slowing and deliberately and just 4 pieces of salt water taffy hit the spot.  I was completely satisfied.  However, I did have to get up and take the treat bucket back upstairs to keep myself from mindlessly reaching for more.  

After thinking on yesterday's post I realize I may come across as the picture perfect Dietitian that always follows my inner cues and only eats when I am hungry and always stops when I am full.  So here's the real breakdown. 

I eat because:
  • I'm hungry
  • It's in front of me
  • I deserve it- the kids have been naughty and I've had a hard day
  • It's yummy and I'm going to eat it all eventually anyway!
  • The taste of the last bite is still in my mouth and I inhaled it too fast to actually enjoy it, so I need another bite . . . and another!
I don't eat because:
  • I'm full/satisfied
  • Too busy- kind of forget to eat
  • Too tired- I just worked to fix something for the kids and now all I want to do is go lay down
  • I don't deserve it- Now this is a reason probably unique to me and probably requires major counseling or something.  
This diet is showing me more and more what triggers I am susceptible to, because it's making me stop and think "Wait, no!"


  1. You do kinda come off as the picture perfect dietician. Lol! I am completely willing to hand that to you too! :) All I know is if my husband could cook like yours...I'd be in serious trouble. I'm glad to know you're a bit more human than I think. I like your break down too. I'm going to make one of my own! I can tell you what's at the top of my list...Stress!! Any ideas on how to be more mindful of stress eating? Or how to avoid it?

    1. See the post I am working on today 9/22/12 about emotional eating. You're gonna love it!
