Monday, September 3, 2012

Week 1- Day 1

Most important thing I learned on Day 1- I am switching multivitamins!

So normally I don't take a multivitamin.  For most people, a well balanced diet with plenty of variety is adequate.  However, as part of the fitness competition I am participating in, you get points for taking a supplement- so bring on the multivitamin. 

Several months ago I picked up some Viactive chocolate chew multivitamins, thinking "yum chocolate!  Can't go wrong there."  Okay, you CAN go wrong there!  Multivitamins should not have artificial chocolate flavoring.  I have been burping up "chocolate nutrient taste" all day long.  It's horrid. 

Another thing I learned on Day 1- My body does not like whole wheat pancakes.

We had a fun Labor Day family breakfast this morning at my parent's house.  Lamely, I brought my own pancake batter and turkey sausage to make sure I kept to my diet (didn't want to loose points for white flour).  There was plenty of other good food and I certainly didn't feel deprived as I ate and visited with family.  However, I say "down with whole wheat pancakes." (Are dietitians allowed to say that?)  Flavor- not bad, but it has not sat well with me at all.  Combine that with chocolate multivitamin burps and we are not off to a good start.   

So although today was officially Day 1, I have been paying closer attention to what I have been eating for about a week now.  I knew that the start of this competition was just around the corner and so my little shoulder 'diet devil' kept telling me "oh, enjoy that now, 'cause you're not going to get that again for 6 weeks!"  I realize how strong the urge can be to tank up on treats prior to the start of a diet change.  I haven't bought many treats over the last week, in order to make sure they were all gone before today.  However, last night, I must admit I broke into the treat bucket I have for my piano students and ate several pieces of taffy just to end the day (start the next one) on a good note. 

So here we go- with new multivitamin, a boycott on whole wheat pancakes, and a little excitement with some apprehension over what the rest of the week may hold. 


  1. What did you eat for lunch and dinner? Did you get all your water in? I have had to pee so much more today. I did good except with us being in Boulder I didn't get my exercise in and I know I won't get my sleep points since we are driving all night. But over all I feel like I did really good.

  2. Stay tuned. I'll share some of my Day 2 frustrations that include how last night went. And yes, I absolutely had to pee a ton yesterday because of all the water. Great job Wright Family doing so well on points while on vacation.

  3. You should post the rules and details of this diet so those of us following your progress can get a better idea of what you're doing.

  4. You must have the wrong whole wheat pancake recipe...the one I have (made them this morning) is delicious! Maybe I'll email you the recipe. :)

  5. Yes, Andelin- Please e-mail me the recipe. Looking back I think it may have been the combination of whole wheat pancakes and the horrid multivitamin. I'm willing to try again!
