Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Week 1/Day 2- Cheating on my diet

So you're thinking "Day 2 and already she's cheating on her diet?  This isn't going to go far!"

Actually I fell short on Day 1, so it's even worse than you thought!

Last night we went out to dinner at IHOP because it was Labor Day and who wants to labor to fix dinner on Labor Day?  I bet you think you know where this is going, but no, I did NOT cheat at the restaurant.  In fact, I was quite proud of myself.  I had a delicious balsamic glazed grilled chicken covered in tomatoes and mushrooms with steamed broccoli on the side.  I even took on their only low-fat salad dressing on my salad- Italian- yuck!  (P.S. I could not finish the low-fat Italian flavored salad- but I gave it a good effort).

I was dying for a bite of my husband's country gravy smothered chicken fried steak - but I automatically lose diet points for words like smothered and fried.  So there again I prevailed- no delicious fatty fried steak for me.  I finished off my sons fruit bowl and left the restaurant feeling satisfied.

After we got home and were putting kids to bed, I glanced at the clock- It was 10 minutes to 8:00 p.m.  Diet rule # ---  "Thou shalt not eat after 8 p.m."  I thought, "I just know I am going to be hungry later.  I should eat something now."  But it didn't make sense to eat something when I wasn't hungry, just-in-case I got hungry later, so 8:00 came and went.

However, sure enough about 9:30 when I finished exercising, I was starving.  Now I know the rule is no eating after 8 p.m. and there were even points to earn if you kept to it, but I believe in eating when you are hungry.  Healthy eating or even eating for weight loss is not about will power against your body and my body was asking for food.  So I X'd out the box on my point chart for eating after 8 p.m. and made myself some peanut butter toast and went to bed feeling satisfied.

I missed points, but I think I won that battle.  Do you?


  1. You did win the battle and I admire you for being so honest about the hunger feelings. I do the same thing with the food cut off time, I feel like I'm a squirrel storing food for winter. If the hunger is going to torture you, then yes, eat. The only thing I would change about it is what you ate. When I have late night cravings I get a piece of baby spinach and roll it up with a string cheese or sometimes sliced meat. Also, I haven't read your rules yet, but I am drinking half my weight in water a day- wish I weighed less for that reason alone. I also try to eat my carbs in the morning/afternoon so by dinner it's veggies and protein. As far as salad goes, have you heard the idea of getting regular dressing on the side, and each bite you dip the tip of your fork in the dressing? That way you get the taste without the guilt. You're on day 2? You're doing amazing! And when did you EVER need to loose weight? :)

    1. Just a thought...many people with diabetes actually have a harder time with carbs in the morning, and I think it might also be true for non-diabetic people...we just don't know it because we're not testing our blood sugar. :) Carbs should be eaten with protein to help the sugar digest more slowly, lessening the sugar spike (well, non diabetics probably won't have a huge blood sugar spike like a diabetic would). Many diabetics actually limit their carbs in the morning, and eat them later in the day. There are a lot of other things that go into losing weight/being healthy, but it's something to think about. Take it for what it's worth!

    2. Andelin, I appreciate your comments. Thanks for your mom of a diabetic insights. Keep them coming!

  2. Hey, Thanks Dyann. Great ideas. I haven't heard the salad trick. That sounds perfect.

    Sounds like you are the pro at this. Keep following along and please feel free to throw in any other tips. I bet other people find them helpful too.

  3. This diet requires you to drink half your body weight in water each day?!!?!?!?! For someone of great size, like me, that would be deadly!

    I have never enjoyed eating out with other people while on a diet. In fact I always avoided it completely so that I would experience feelings of envy at what they ate and the ever present guilt if I gave in and ate what I really wanted to eat anyway.

    Jennette, you are a stronger person than I. :)

  4. No this one doesn't require 1/2 your weight in water. It requires 64 oz of water (and if you are a milk drinker- like me, you can replace up to 16 oz with milk).
