Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wk 6/Day 38- Alternate Measures of Success

Why do we think the numbers on the scale matter so much?  Can you guys tell what my number is by looking at me?  Somehow we seem to think we walk around broadcasting our "number" instead of presenting our whole selves, and thus we stress so much about that number.  

How would you be able to tell that I have lost some weight?  My pants don't fit because I don't have a bum anymore.  I am not sure I consider that success?!  Apparently my most important energy reserves are muffin top tummy (you know the role that sticks out over your jeans just like . . . well, a muffin top), because that remains intact! 

Desire for weight loss comes from 2 categories (I am totally generalizing on this- feel free to call me out, if I am absolutely wrong)
  1. Internal reasons- to reduce disease risk or complications, have better stamina, more vitality for life 
  2. External reasons- to reduce peer pressure, have better sense of self worth (I put this in the external category because without external influence I'm not sure our self worth would be determined by our weight), to wear that cute skirt bought years ago, to fit in a desired category assigned by makers of the BMI charts
Forgive my generalizations, here's the point I am trying to make.  Unless your only reason is to fit in the "good" category on the BMI charts, then the numbers on the scale report very little of your success.  

If your clothes are fitting better, if you're seeing improvements in your lipid panel or blood glucose level, if you have more stamina and love for life, if you are losing inches even without pounds- You are successful!  Don't let the numbers on the scale try to talk you out of that.  People can see your vitality, they can't see your number- let these alternate measures of success matter most to you!


  1. I think, in large part, we care about that number because we're told we should, which goes for both internal and external motivations. We're told by society that in order to be beautiful we must weigh a certain amount, or doctors tell us what an optimal weight is in order to have more energy or less risk of diseases.

    I think there is some validity to the idea that we should throw out the scale and listen to our bodies. On one hand, we won't be happy if we are too strict with a diet that never allows for a splurge, but on the other, too much indulgence leads to discontent as well. We find true joy from making correct choices, whether it means turning down the extra indulgence you were tempted to eat, or handling a frustrating situation with grace, or just doing something that you've never done before that helped you to grow. Those things feed your spirit.

    For example, if I yelled at my kids, then go eat some chocolate or ice cream because I felt bad about what I did, or because I am stressed, it is basically one bad choice on top of another. On the other hand, if I am super patient with a child's tantrum, that might help me make a better snack choice later that day, or stop after one piece of cake. So often, our choices made in one area of life spill over to all the other areas.

    Am I rambling? :)

    1. Great thoughts Andelin (it feels weird to call you by your real name- ha). I absolutely agree- I am convinced more and more that the path to a healthy weight and a healthy relationship with food is based on the same path to a life of happiness- spiritual edification, choice and accountability, gratitude, etc.

  2. LOVE Andelin! Good points. I started Jennette's "diet" yesterday and I am loving it so far because it provides the extra little motivation to turn down things that you will then feel guilty over later and motivates you to make better choices. I love that she has "limits" because then I don't feel stressed to be constantly pushing myself more and they are goals that are reachable. I got all the points yesterday (except for all the exercise ones since I only did twenty minutes instead of 45) and I feel so great about it! Today I made an awesome smoothie for lunch and had a much healthier snack. The trick in life really is to keep things balanced, isn't it? :)
