Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wk2/Day 10- What did I just eat?

Time for me to again share my weakness.  It's the unconscious eating!  Since the bonus challenge this week is absolutely no added sugar, I have to really pay attention to what I eat.  I have never realized how often I just toss something into my mouth without a second thought.  This week it's actually causing me anxiety.  The other night I popped something in my mouth and just about had a panic attack . . . "What did I just eat?  Did it ruin everything?  Oh, thank goodness it was just a piece of chicken!  How did I get chicken in my mouth?"  Oh dear!

Our host for the fitness program, promised us that fruit would never taste so delicious as it will this week because it's essentially the only sweet thing to eat.  Boy is she right!  We get points for 3 fruit servings a day and I am certainly eating more like 4-5.  As a dietitian, I always tried to convince others that fruit could be their dessert instead of other higher calorie choices, although I was never really convinced myself.  But on day 3 of no simple sugars whatsoever, I tell you: nothing like sweet cool grapes to satisfy a sweet tooth- nothing like it!


  1. Way to go Jennette! I'm a big fan of grapes as well. Try freezing them for a nice treat you can suck on that tastes a little sweeter vs fresh.
